Wednesday, July 30, 2008

bungy trampoline

Ella writes: "On the bungy trampolines it was very fun. I liked it because I got to go really high. My Mum took that picture of me on the bungy trampoline because I couldn't take the picture because I was holding onto the rope. First you get on, you are a bit nervous, then you get the hang of it when your on it."

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Have wings, be sparkly, wear red shoes


Pink snow

Our tree, dropping it's blossom, covered our garden with a bright snow-like layer that reflected brightly into the kitchen bringing the sweet hope of spring. But two weeks later, everything's wet and gray and muddy out there. It's been freezing out and we're all going stir crazy and square-eyed, troubled by minor illnesses and generally not ourselves. "I am just not myself" says Ella "my tummy still hurts and I just can't stop coughing."

Let be creative

How happily this pair set to creating their own masterpieces after we'd been through the Art Deco exhibition at the NGV. What a pleasure to find, outside that exhibition, an amazing, full-size glossy car and a whole Deco-inspired workshop for kids. Inspired by the incredible auto, Ella dashed off a quick picture for our latest aquaintance - Johnny Z - who builds Californian Street Rods and who's new Bridge Road store we visited the day before.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Going to the circus

Ella writes: with my Nana and my Pa and my father and my mother and my little baby brother I was going to the cricus. I was getting my ticket.

I was walking with my Nana to the circus. I had fish and chips for lunch.

My little baby brother and me - we were dancing together to the music.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Rolll up, Roll up!

The circus is in town. All winter we've rattled past in the tram looking out for the Big Top and here it is, we wait no longer, no more sleeps - it's today - magnificent Circus Oz.

"Ella the Acrobat here" is how Ella answers the phone first thing in the morning. Suitable outfits are picked. Acrobat tricks (eg somersaults and leg pointing) practiced.

Boy Clown gets into role, having cheered up from his earlier performance as World's Most Miserable Clown while having his Clown Nose applied.

Do not try and escape little multi-directional clown. It's not a dissappearing act.

Almost too much - nearly time for the show to start.

Circus circus - sway pole, pole, trapeze, clown, group bike, hoops, contortion, juggling, teeterboard, hula hoops, upside-down acts, kangaroos, MUSIC, magnificent.