Thursday, October 22, 2009

penguin stop!

three weeks old


I taught Ella how to ride her bike 'inout training wheels' (as she says).

Harry meets his family

Harry is here

Harry is here. Born 4 September. Very beautiful. Much loved. Used to noise.

I've been away ---><--- I'm back

I took a blog-break - not deliberately. Been busy with a few things. A few pics to tell where we've been:

> at the playground
> at the beach in funky leggings
> in red
> at Phillip Island
> working on sentences
> looking carefully at things
> riding scooters
> eating cakes at the Pirate Park
> being full of joy
> running and jumping (some of us)
> getting into red and green
> singing and dancing in Chinese
> sleeping peacefully
> waiting for the train
> taking the train (how we love the train)